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Image depicting Dart spacecraft successfully crashes with asteroid Dimorphos!

Dart spacecraft successfully crashes with asteroid Dimorphos!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

NASA’s Double Asteroid Redirection Test, or Dart, crashes into an asteroid (“Diamorphos”). The point of the collision is to give Earth a weapon to use if more asteroids ever come our way.

The researchers will now figure out if their mission was a success. This will be done by looking at how the orbits of two asteroids change over time.

Dimorphos was going around Didymos, which is another asteroid. Researchers won’t be able to figure out what happened until a few weeks have passed.

DART is the first mission whose goal was to study and show how to change the path of an asteroid in space by striking it. This method involves changing the speed of an asteroid in space by smashing it.

Key facts!

  • Researchers believe that we are entering a new era in the history of humanity.
  • A time when we might be able to protect ourselves from things like a dangerous asteroid hitting the Earth.
  • The Dart probe was moving at a relative speed of 22,000 kilometres per hour.
  • Its first goal was to figure out which rock was bigger and which was smaller.
  • After that, the spaceship’s navigation software changed the ship’s path and made sure it hit the other spaceship head-on.
  • Even though scientists only caught a quick glimpse of it, they were fascinated by the different shapes that the two asteroids took.
  • Scientists will compare the data they got from DART’s crash with the data they got from different computer simulations.

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