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Image depicting Discovery of 300,000-year-old footprints!

Discovery of 300,000-year-old footprints!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Palaeontologists uncover prehistoric footprints on a beach in Spain. The footprints are estimated to be about 300,000 years old.

Expert analysis revealed that they were made just before the Ice Age. There are also animal tracks, but most of them are in the wettest places.

The eighty-five-plus footprints were discovered on a beach in Spain. The footprints belonged to little children, teenagers, and adults. Researchers used drones and technology to piece together high-definition photographs at the discovery site.

They also recorded and created a digital model of the tracks before the sand once again buried them within a few days of their discovery.

Important Details

  • The measurements of the prints indicated there were teenagers and younger children, some as young as six years old.
  • According to the findings of a study, the climate during the period saw dramatic shifts, going from warm to frigid.
  • Human tracks were made by walking up to and away from the water.
  • Researchers think that some of the birds may have even taken a few steps into the water.
  • So as to get a better look at the animals or fish they were after.
  • Some of the footprints in the shallow water indicate that they were children.
  • Also, it’s possible that they were there to watch and help with the hunting.
  • They might also have been paddling and splashing around.
  • They could be learning while having fun, just like kids do today.
  • Because of this, these footprints constitute an essential piece of evidence for comprehending human presence in Europe over the majority of the Pleistocene.

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Youtube user “carthacollege” gives us a glimpse of a day in the life of a Paleontologist (one who studies fossils of living and extinct animals).

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