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Guardian Spirits Keep Watch Over Brick Tomb!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Tomb of Forgotten Ages

Far from the bustle of Cathay’s grand cities, nestled amidst rolling hills where forgotten rivers carve their path, laborers chanced upon a marvel hidden beneath the unyielding earth – a tomb, its entrance a gaping wound in the verdant hillside. Its stones, rough-hewn and weathered by uncounted seasons, bear the faintest hint of faded grandeur. A relic from a time cloaked in antiquity, it lay concealed beneath the gaze of sun and moon for untold centuries.

Whispers of a Lost Realm

A chill wind, laced with the scent of damp earth and forgotten ages, greets any who dare to venture within. The tomb’s shadowy embrace is a world away from the sunlit fields above. Here, a story unfolds – a tale writ not in ink, but in the brittle remnants of bone. Two souls, and one not yet ripened by time, had sought their final rest, their worldly treasures meager. Yet, the stones themselves resonate with a silent defiance against the passage of time. Proud lions, their forms eroded by wind and rain, still stand as emblems of bygone puissance. Fading forms of stalwart guardians, their painted eyes seeming to peer into the souls of the living, hold eternal vigil.

From the dust emerges a fragment of history – a “land coupon” etched with runes of an elder tongue. It whispers of a time nigh forgotten, of the golden reign of the Jurchen Jin. Their empire is naught but a fading echo, a legend whispered by old men in shadowed halls. Yet, this tomb, a defiant monument against the tide of time, stands as a stark reminder of their forgotten might.

Secrets of the Earth

And so they shall come – the seekers of forgotten lore. Wizened men with fingers stained by the dust of ages, their eyes gleaming with the scholar’s insatiable thirst. They will descend into the tomb’s embrace, the air growing thick and heavy with each step. The scent of damp earth mingles with a hint of something older, undefinable. Their lamps cast flickering shadows that dance and distort the carvings upon the walls, as if the spirits of old still linger.

With trembling hands, they shall sift through the remnants, seeking to illuminate the mysteries held within this forgotten chamber. The tomb, a precious shard from the shattered annals of the Jurchen Jin, may yet unlock their vanished ways, their fervent beliefs, and the legacy of their strength that once rippled through the realms of Cathay.

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