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Dutee Chand wins gold in the World University Games


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Welcome, eager learner! Let us tell you an amazing story about a super fast runner named Dutee Chand. She did something really special and made India very proud!

Lightning Champion: Dutee’s Glory!

  • Once upon a time, in a place called Naples, there was a big sports event called the World University Games. Guess what? Dutee Chand, who is from India, joined the race to run 100 meters. Can you imagine how quick she must be to run that distance?
  • She ran so fast that she won a shiny gold medal! It’s like winning a treasure for being the fastest runner in the whole wide world! And you know what’s super cool? She finished the race in just 11.32 seconds! That’s like blinking your eyes and reaching the finish line!
  • But wait, there’s more! Dutee is not only the champion of the 100 meters but also a national champion in another race, where she ran even faster in 11.24 seconds! Wow, she’s like a real-life superhero with lightning speed!
  • You know, little buddy, winning gold at a global event is a huge deal! And guess what? Dutee is the ONLY Indian athlete who has done it! Can you believe that? She’s one in a billion!
  • When Dutee won the gold, everyone in India was so happy and proud of her. Even the big and important people, like the Prime Minister Mr. Narendra Modi and the President Ram Nath Kovind, congratulated her! Imagine the Prime Minister saying, “Great job, Dutee! You’ve made our country shine!”
  • And that’s not all. The Union Sports Minister, Mr. Kiren Rijiju, who loves sports, told Dutee how amazing she is on Twitter! He also mentioned some other wonderful Indian girls like Hima Das, Vinesh Phogat, Divya Kakran, Navjeet Dhillon, and Saikom Mirabai, who made the country proud with their talents!
  • So, my little friend, Dutee Chand’s story is all about hard work, speed, and making India proud. We can learn from her that if we try our best and run towards our dreams, we can achieve amazing things too!
  • Now it’s time to clap and cheer for Dutee Chand, the fastest and most awesome runner from India! Yay, Dutee! You go, girl! Keep shining like a shooting star in the sky!

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