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Image depicting Baozi (Chinese buns) - Eat Street!

Baozi (Chinese buns) – Eat Street!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Chinese buns called Baozi, also known as bao or bau are popular street food. It is a type of filled bun or bread-like dumpling.

It is one of the most-favourite breakfast food and everyday snacks in China.

Yummy facts!

  • These steamed buns are made in a variety of sizes and stuffed with different kinds of fillings.
  • This perfectly round, smooth and soft bao is stuffed with meats, seafood, or vegetables.
  • They are most commonly served in restaurants and food trucks.
  • Each order of baozi consists of 5-10 pieces, usually served in a steamed bamboo basket.
  • They taste lovely when dipped in soy sauce, or chilli and garlic paste.
  • The crispy taste, spicy meat in the baozi and its rich sauce makes it one of the most popular snacks around the entire country.
  • Apart from China, it is also widely eaten in Japan, Thailand, Malaysia, Netherlands and Cambodia.

Youtube user “Atheek Clothing” shares a short animation clip on “Bao”.

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