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Image depicting Finland to Join Strongest Military Alliance!

Finland to Join Strongest Military Alliance!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey! Guess what? Finland is about to join a super cool club called NATO. It’s like a team of countries that help each other out and protect each other. It’s going to be really exciting!

NATO Welcomes Finland: A Historic Celebration!

  • On April 4, 2023, Finland will become the 31st country to join NATO. That’s a big deal! They’re going to have a special ceremony at NATO headquarters in Brussels, which is a fancy place where NATO officials work. Finland’s president, Sauli Niinisto, their defense minister, Antti Kaikkonen, and their foreign minister, Pekka Haavisto, will all be there. It’s going to be like a party!
  • The NATO Secretary-General, Jens Stoltenberg, said it’s going to be a “historic week” for Finland and NATO. That means something really important and special is happening. He’s also hoping that Sweden, another country that wants to join NATO, will join soon too. It’s like a double celebration!
  • But wait, there’s an interesting twist! Turkey, another country, is the last one to agree to let Finland join. They’re going to give some official papers to the US Secretary of State, Antony Blinken. Once that’s done, Finland can officially be a part of NATO. It’s like getting a membership card!
  • You know, joining NATO is a big decision. Countries have to show that they can protect other NATO members and be good partners. Finland and Sweden wanted to join because they saw what happened when Russia invaded Ukraine, and they wanted to be safe too. All the other countries in NATO agreed and said, “Sure, come on in!”
  • Russia, which is a big neighbour of Finland, said they’ll get even stronger in their defenses if NATO puts troops in Finland. It’s like a pretend game where they want to show they’re tough too.
  • Oh, and guess what? NATO officials are super excited because they want Sweden to join before a big meeting in July. It’s like having a new friend just in time for a big party. Isn’t that funny?
  • So, there you have it, buddy. Finland is joining NATO, and it’s a big deal. They’re going to have a special ceremony, lots of important people will be there, and everyone is really happy about it. It’s like a cool club where countries help each other out and have fun together. Yay for Finland and yay for NATO!

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