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Image depicting First-ever virus-feeding organism!

First-ever virus-feeding organism!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

It is the first time in the world that scientists have found an organism that can live only on viruses. 

Viruses are sometimes accidentally eaten by a wide range of animals. In addition, some may even use them as a seasoning in their food.

What is a virus?

A virus is a small infectious organism that can only multiply within the live cells of an organism.

What is a bacteria?

Bacteria are living organisms that usually have one cell.

Key facts!

  • For a virus to be part of the food chain, it must provide sufficient energy or nutrients to the organism that consumes it, say researchers.
  • Halteria, a type of bacterium, ate Chloroviruses that were put in its environment.
  • These viruses make the cells they infect explode, which releases carbon and other nutrients into the environment.
  • If a lot of animals in the wild eat chloroviruses, this could have a big effect on the carbon cycle.
  • The study took place over the course of three years.
  • It is based on the assumption of the number of viruses and bacteria that can be found in water.
  • Also, the proportion may vary on the basis of the viruses being consumed by the bacteria.
  • The research group obtained samples of pond water and then added chloroviruses to them.
  • They did so to determine whether or not any species regarded the viruses as a threat rather than a potential source of nutrition.
  • Halteria consumed chloroviruses, using them as a source of nutrition to fuel its digestive processes.
  • Next, the researchers want to look at how this may affect the food web.
  • In addition to how species change over time, and how well populations can adapt to change.

Learning Junction shares with us information about virus and bacteria.

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