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image depicting Former US President Trump's second impeachment trial is underway

Former US President Trump’s second impeachment trial is underway


Recommended for Secondary Grades

We read about former US President Donald Trump’s impeachment trial last year. The Senate (upper house of the US Congress), voted to acquit (find not guilty) him.

What is an impeachment?

An impeachment means to charge a government official with doing something wrong and remove them from office.

After his loss in the presidential election last year, Trump refused to admit defeat. Then, in January 2020, when the winner, Joe Biden’s win was being confirmed in the US Congress, there were riots and Trump supporters broke into the Capitol (Congress building). All this led to the death of some protestors as well as police.

Due to the above and for encouraging his supporters, Trump is facing his second impeachment trial.

He is the first president in US history to be impeached for the second time. He is also the only president in US history to go on an impeachment trial after leaving office.

The House of Representatives has already impeached him. Now, he faces a trial in the Senate. If the Senate approves his impeachment, then he could no longer run for president again.

Today, as the impeachment trial in the Senate began, videos were shown of the riots in the Capitol that put the lives of Congress members in danger.

Trump is being represented by his lawyers. Each side would have to present their case and then the Senate will vote. Out of the 100 Senate members, 75 would need to vote yes if the impeachment has to go through.


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