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Frogs drink and breathe through their skin


Recommended for Middle Grades

Frogs are wonderful tailless amphibians.

What are amphibians?

Amphibians are animals, who can live inland and in water both. They are cold-blooded (having a blood temperature that changes with the temperature of the surroundings) and vertebrates (with a backbone).

Respiration in frogs

The frog has three respiratory (the process of breathing) surfaces on its body. They use these surfaces to exchange gas with the surroundings. The surfaces are the skin, the lungs, and the lining of the mouth.

Respiratory systems

The first one is the skin of the frogs. The skin not only covers their body but they also drink and breathe through it. Frogs get oxygen through their skin when it’s moist. Most of the frogs’ skin is slimy. Toads on the other hand have tougher skin that doesn’t dry out as fast, so they can live farther from water than most frogs.

The second one is while floating on the water surface, or when resting upon the land, they respire through the buccal (oral) cavity.

The third one is when the frog is out of the water, the breathing that takes place on land in the atmospheric air with the help of the lungs,  the pulmonary respiration, just like humans.

Types and Life Span

Frogs are found on every continent except Antarctica.  There are various types of frogs found in the world. Frogs have more than 400 species. They have a life span of e 4 to 15 years.

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