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Global map of bees created for the first time-ever to save them

Recommended for Bees

We are all aware of the importance of a map. Let us now read about a global map of bees!

Bees play a very important role in helping us grow grains and fruits. Unfortunately, bees are disappearing all over the world and many have become endangered. They are being badly affected by the use of pesticides (chemicals) and habitat loss (loss of their homes).

In order to save them, scientists in Singapore and China have created the first-ever global map of bees. The map shows where all the 20,000 bee species on Earth are located.

Bees live in every continent except for Antarctica. They range from tiny stingless bees to bees the size of a human thumb.

Some bee populations, such as bumblebees, are well studied. But we have hardly studied those in other regions, such as large parts of Asia and Africa.

The global maps of bees will help us better understand their living conditions so that we can work towards saving them.

How was the global map of bees made?

To create their map, the researchers compared data about the occurrence of individual bee species with a list of over 20,000 bee species created previously.

The study has also confirmed that more bee species are found in dry, temperate (mild climate) areas rather than in tropical (hot and humid) environments near the equator.

There are more bee species in the Northern Hemisphere than the Southern Hemisphere. Some bee hotspots are parts of the US, Africa and the Middle East.

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