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Google’s new Roboto Serif Font unlocked!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Google’s new Roboto Serif Font font is now available. Before we share the details of this story, it would be a good idea for our little readers to understand some key concepts around “Fonts”.

What is a font?

A font is the shape and style of a group of letters used in printing, on a computer screen, and in other applications.

Google Roboto font family gets a new font

The latest version of Google’s Roboto font is now available, bringing serif type back to life. The font is called Roboto Serif and Google font designers claim it to be more readable, clearer and understandable.

What s a typeface?

A typeface is a design of lettering that typically includes variations in the size of the letters, weight (e.g. bold), slope (e.g. italic), width etc.

What are Serif and Sans-serif fonts?

A serif is a decorative stroke that extends off the end of a letter. Sans-serif letters design do not have decorative strokes.

What is the Roboto family of fonts?

Roboto is a non-decorative family of letters developed by Google as the system font for its mobile operating system Android.

Built from scratch

Each letter in the new style was rebuilt from scratch, according to the Google team, to create a font that “people think of Roboto, but is a new and original design.”

Because of the cleaner letter design, serif fonts are seen to be simpler to read. Google’s new fonts can adjust and optimise themselves for different viewing sizes.

History of Roboto font

For more than a decade, Google has used the Roboto font in some form or another. The font was first presented as the default font for the company’s mobile OS, Android 4.0 (Ice Cream Sandwich).

For the time being, Roboto Serif has only been added to Google Fonts as a new option for the open-source Roboto font family.


Check out this interesting video on Roboto Serif font, shared on Youtube by “Material Design”.

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