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Government to lift restrictions on tourist travel to Jammu & Kashmir

Recommended for Secondary Grades

Howdy, young explorer! Today, we’re going to talk about something happening in a place called Kashmir. A long time ago, there was a special rule called Article 370, but on 5 August, it was taken away, and that caused some changes in the way things were in Kashmir.

After that, the government put some security restrictions to keep everything safe, and they also turned off the phone and internet lines to prevent any problems. But now, guess what? The government decided it’s time to bring back tourists to the beautiful Jammu & Kashmir valley!

Kashmir’s Rebirth: Tourist Revival!

  • The J&K Governor, Satya Pal Malik, said that the security advisory is going away, and the valley will welcome tourists from 10 October 2019. Isn’t that exciting? Lots of people visited Kashmir before, you know? Over 5 lakh people went there in the first seven months of the year, and around 3.4 lakh pilgrims came in July for something called the Amarnath Yatra. But after 5 August, only 150 foreign travellers were able to visit.
  • Now, the government is making more changes. They will open schools again, so kids can go to study and learn cool stuff. They are also bringing back public transport, so people can easily move around the place. Oh, and there will be more places to get travel information, and even some internet kiosks, so people can use the internet again.
  • So, what’s the latest story in Kashmir? Well, it’s about the government wanting to make things better and bring back the fun and happiness to the beautiful valley. They want more people to visit, explore, and enjoy the amazing sights and sounds of Kashmir.
  • You know, sometimes changes can be tough for people, and it was the same for the folks in Kashmir when Article 370 was taken away. But now, the government is trying to make things better for everyone. They want to show that life can get back to normal and be full of joy, just like it was before.
  • We learn that sometimes, when there are big changes, it can take time to adjust, but eventually, things can get better. The government is making efforts to bring back the beauty and excitement of Kashmir, and they want everyone to feel safe and happy again.
  • So, it’s like a big adventure, and the government is like the heroes of the story, trying to make things right again. Let’s hope that Kashmir becomes a happy and peaceful place for everyone, and that lots of tourists visit and make wonderful memories.
  • Remember, change can be funny sometimes, but it’s also important to be sensitive to how people feel. Let’s cheer for Kashmir and wish them all the best as they open their arms to welcome back tourists and embrace a bright future!

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