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Happy Birthday Babasaheb!


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Today, India commemorates the birthday of Dr Bhim Rao Ambedkar also popularly known as Babasaheb Ambedkar.

What’s the history of Dr Ambedkar?

  • Ambedkar was born on 14 April 1891.
  • His family was not rich and belonged to a ‘backward’ or low caste called Dalits (once called untouchables).
  • At school, he was discriminated against.
  • Students from lower castes were not allowed to even use the common public drinking water.
  • However, he was a hardworking and determined person.
  • He went on to become the only one in his family to go to high school.
  • Ambedkar became a brilliant scholar, studying at prestigious institutions such as Columbia University (US) and the London School of Economics.

Ambedkar in a 1966 stamp of India

Babasaheb – The architect and father of the Indian Constitution

  • After he finished studying, Babasaheb started practising law.
  • He also started movements against discrimination on the basis of caste, such as opening up public drinking water for everyone.
  • He led several protests and movements to change the Indian caste system.
  • On India’s independence, he became the Law and Justice Minister of India.
  • He also became the Chairman of the Constitution Drafting Committee.
  • Ambedkar studied the constitutions of 60 different countries.
  • In India’s new constitution, he provided protections and rights to the poor, lower castes and women.
  • This constitution was adopted on 26 January 1950.

Babasaheb died on 6 December 1956. However, his words and life still stand as a shining example and continue to inspire millions of people in India.

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Watch a video

Watch a video of his original interview with the BBC in 1953.

Video credit: Jago Bahujan Jago/Youtube

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