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Image depicting Hawaii has a perfect spiral galaxy!

Hawaii has a perfect spiral galaxy!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A flawless spiral in the shape of a galaxy appears over Hawaii. There was a brief appearance of a strange light phenomenon over Mauna Kea in Hawaii. The light resembled a “whirlpool” in the night sky.

According to experts, the phenomenon could be associated with a launch from SpaceX.

Key facts!

  • Stargazers claim that the eye-catching spiral was formed by frozen rocket fuel.
  • The rocket fuel was released during a launch conducted by SpaceX.
  • The SpaceX launch in question involved a Falcon 9 rocket.
  • It successfully lifted off from its space force station in Florida, United States.
  • The rocket was carrying a new GPS satellite for the United States Space Force.
  • About three minutes after launch, the rocket transitioned from its first stage to the second stage.
  • During the launch, the first stage is in charge of providing the main thrust.
  • In the second stage, the rocket gets to the right place to release the satellite.
  • After the satellite was successfully put into orbit, any extra fuel was burned off before it came back to Earth.
  • This made the second stage spin before it came out of orbit and landed in the Pacific Ocean on Earth.
  • In the end, there was a cloud of frozen fuel crystals that looked like a spiral and were lit by the sun.

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