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Image depicting Heatwaves in India

Heatwaves in India: Global warming impact


Recommended for Middle Grades

Welcome, eager learner!! Have you ever felt super hot in the summer? Like when the sun seems to be really angry, and you can almost fry an egg on the sidewalk? That’s what people call a “heatwave”. They can get really serious, like in India this year.

People there are saying it’s because of something called global warming. You know how when we leave the car running, it makes smoke? Well, a lot of that smoke all over the world is making our Earth too warm.

Heatwave Havoc

  • This global warming thing is serious. It’s like when you leave your toy oven on for too long and the plastic cupcakes inside start melting! That’s what’s happening to our Earth right now because of all the smoke from cars and factories.
  • Because of this, heatwaves are popping up more often. Imagine if the summer vacation was happening every other week, but with no fun swimming, just a lot of sweat! Yuck! If we keep warming our Earth, these heatwaves might start coming around even more often, like a naughty classmate who won’t leave you alone.
  • Heatwaves are no fun at all. In India, they’ve gotten so bad that lots of people got sick, and even the plants couldn’t stand the heat. The wheat plants got so hot they stopped growing! This made bread and other foods more expensive all over the world. The folks with less money are having the toughest time because of this.
  • And guess what? If we don’t stop the Earth from getting hotter by more than 1.5 degrees, it could get even worse for everyone. As long as we keep making all that smoke, the heatwaves will keep coming. Imagine a never-ending summer vacation with no pool parties and just a lot of sweat. Not cool, right?
  • So, what do you think we should do? Maybe we can brainstorm some super cool ideas to help stop global warming! 

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