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Image depicting Help NASA find alien worlds!

Help NASA find alien worlds!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

NASA (National Aeronautics and Space Administration) needs your assistance locating alien worlds.  Your own personal telescope or even simply your smartphone is more than enough.

You could contribute to NASA’s search for undiscovered planets.

What is Exoplanet Watch?

Exoplanet Watch is a NASA project that lets anyone learn about planets that orbit stars outside of our solar system and help keep an eye on them.

Under the Exoplanet Watch initiative, amateur astronomers could assist in locating exoplanets (planets that orbit stars outside of our solar system).

Key facts!

  • Participants are welcome to use their own telescopes to search for exoplanets.
  • They could also use a computer or smartphone to examine data collected by other telescopes.
  • Learn how to observe exoplanets and analyse data with the same tools that NASA researchers use with Exoplanet Watch.
  • Universe of Learning is a science programme that makes it possible for anyone to learn how science is conducted.
  • The aim of the program is to discover the universe for themselves.
  • According to astronomers, there are about 5,000 exoplanets that have been positively identified.
  • In addition, there is a possibility that there are millions more that have not yet been found.
  • What makes exoplanets fascinating is that these planets exhibit a diverse range of traits.
  • For example, having two suns or clouds that are composed of glass.
  • A ground-based telescope has been collecting data on exoplanets for the past ten years.
  • This programme gives amateur astronomers the opportunity to filter through that data.
  • This year, participants will be able to access and examine new information that has been added to the program’s database.

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