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How did a marathoner cover a distance of 215 km in 24 hrs?


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Robert Pope, marathon champion completes a run across the entire width of the island of Ireland in under twenty-four hours.

Robert used this opportunity to raise money for the World Wildlife Foundation (WWF). Pope is convinced that he is the first person to run around the island in a single day because there is no official record of any other runner having previously completed the feat.

Key Facts about Robert Pope!

  • Robert Pope seems to be the first person to ever accomplish this feat in just 23 hours and 39 minutes.
  • He raced from Ireland’s west coast, all the way to Dublin, Ireland’s capital.
  • Robert has built a name for himself by taking pleasure in completing challenges that range from the unusual to the spectacular.
  • In 2018, he ran more than 20,000 kilometres crisscrossing the United States.
  • He did so to pay tribute to the movie Forrest Gump.
  • Pope also finished a trek in a total of nearly 400 days. Thereafter he documented his accomplishment in his book titled “Becoming Forrest: One Man’s Epic Run Across America.”
  • He frequently travels across Ireland for long-distance running.
  • During his marathon, Pope celebrated the birthday of a popular rock band by listening to the band’s entire discography (list of songs). 

Find out how following in Robert Pope’s footsteps and making the same choices he did could make the world a better place for you.

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