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Image depicting India Chooses AI Over Chai!

India Chooses AI Over Chai!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there! Guess what? A recent report by JBL, a cool company that makes audio products, says that Indians really love talking to their gadgets! They prefer something called conversational AI in their audio products. Fancy words, right?

So, JBL asked around 2,100 young people called millennials about what they like. And guess who emerged as their favorite music artist? It’s none other than AR Rahman, the amazing musician who won an Oscar! He’s also been working with JBL for 12 whole years. That’s a long time!

Indian Millennials’ Musical Affair

  • Now, let’s talk about what these millennials want in their audio gadgets. They really like voice assistants like Google and Siri. They want to say things like “Hey Google, play my favorite song!” and have their gadgets listen and obey. How cool is that?
  • Oh, and streaming platforms are super popular for listening to music. 62% of the people said they prefer streaming. That means they like to listen to music online. It’s like having a never-ending concert right in their ears!

  • You know what else is popular? Personal wireless headphones. They give you a special and immersive listening experience. It’s like being in your own private concert hall, but without all the crowds and loud noises.
  • But that’s not all! These millennials also care about things like app compatibility, fast charging, and even dust and water resistance for their audio gadgets. They want their stuff to be fancy and convenient.

  • The report also showed that most people love Bollywood music. It’s the most popular genre, with 37% of the people saying they enjoy it. Some others like rock and classical music too. Different strokes for different folks!
  • Oh, and here’s something funny. 83% of the people said that music helps them relax. It’s like a magic power that calms them down. And get this, 86% of these young folks said that music makes them feel confident and helps them make friends. Music is like a superhero!

  • Can you believe that music even affects people’s dating choices? Yup, 60% of the people admitted that the kind of music someone likes can influence their romantic decisions. Imagine asking someone on a date because they like the same song as you!
  • The Vice President of Harman India, Vikram Kher, said that JBL is proud to be a part of India’s music scene. They know how powerful music can be and how it can make people feel better. So, they’re happy to celebrate World Music Day with everyone.

  • So, there you have it, my little friend. Indians love talking to their gadgets, especially when it comes to music. They want their audio products to be fancy, convenient, and filled with all their favorite tunes. Isn’t that funny and cool at the same time? Keep enjoying your music and rocking out!

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