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India flags off Vande Bharat Express, our fastest train


Recommended for India

India’s first fully-made in India, and fastest train, was flagged off by Prime Minister Narendra Modi on 15th February, 2019.

Key facts

  • Train 18, as it was called earlier,  will now be known as Vande Bharat Express.
  • It has been manufactured under the “Make in India” program at the Integral Coach Factory in Chennai. It has been built completely in India by Indian engineers in 18 months.
  • It can go up to a maximum speed of 180 kilometers per hour, though it will limit actual run speed under 160 km per hour.
  • The train will travel from Delhi to Varanasi in 9 hours and 45 minutes.
  • It is an engine-less train, with 16 air conditioned chair cars, and a cool bullet-train look. The driving cabin looks like the one we see in metro trains.
  • Automatic doors, sliding steps, airplane like lighting, WiFi internet, Braille stickers etc. give it a very modern touch.
  • Railway officials said that tickets of the first public run of Vande Bharat Express on February 17, 2019 have been completely sold out.

This is a proud occasion for the Railways and India.

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