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India has more women pilots world over!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Most of the female airline pilots in the world are from India. The International Society of Women Airline Pilots says that nearly 12 out of every 100 female pilots in the world are from India.

The United States has more commercial planes than any other country. Compared to India, less than half of pilots in the United States are women.

When it comes to diversity in the aviation business, India is a success story. How? is a key question that comes up.

Nivedita Bhasin is the youngest person in the world to be in charge of a commercial airline. In 1989, she got her licence to fly planes. Nivedita remembers that when she first started flying, she usually stayed in the cockpit. She did this so that the other women on the plane wouldn’t feel weird seeing a woman at the controls.

Since then, times have changed as women airline staff are no longer a rare sight.

Key Facts!

  • As per aviation experts, female pilots are far more efficient, courteous and professional in comparison to male pilots.
  • In addition, a variety of factors, including favourable programmes, improved company practices, and strong family support, drive Indian women to choose careers outside the home.
  • Moreover, to help women afford the expensive training required to become commercial pilots, some state governments are providing financial assistance.
  • Additionally, some Indian companies also provide scholarships to female students enrolled in aviation training programmes.
  • A popular Indian airline company provides paid maternity leaves and creches for children.
  • Up until a child reaches the age of five, female pilots have the option of selecting a more flexible employment arrangement. Thus this allows for two weeks of leave every calendar month.
  • Home pickups and drops are services that give additional flexibility and safety comfort to Indian female airline staff.

Check out a day in the life of Kohlin Pilot!

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