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India Helps Earth Breathe!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, little explorer! Guess what? There’s some exciting news! Our country has done something super cool about taking care of the Earth, and we’re here to tell you all about it. Are you ready for an inspiring and interesting journey through this news story?

So, a long time ago, in the year 2005, India was using a lot of things that made the air a little dirty. These things were called “greenhouse gases,” and they weren’t very nice to our planet. But guess what? Over the next 14 years, which is a lot of days, India decided they wanted to be kinder to the Earth. They started using more clean and friendly energy from the wind, sun, and other cool sources. They even made their forests bigger!

India’s Earthy Triumph!

  • You know what’s super awesome? The amount of bad gases that India was making, called “emissions,” went down by a big number—33%! Can you imagine? It’s like when you have a big bag of candies, and you decide to share some with your friends and keep only a little for yourself. India’s special scientists looked at everything and told a special group called the United Nations about it.
  • Oh, we have a little idea! Since India is using more clean energy and growing more trees, the air must be getting happier and cleaner. It’s like when you clean your room and it feels so fresh and nice. Also, India’s leaders made a promise to help the Earth even more by making the bad gas amount even smaller by the year 2030.
  •  So, what’s the big ending to this story? Well, India did a fantastic job in taking care of the Earth! They worked really hard to use less bad stuff and more good stuff. Their forests got bigger, and they even made a special kind of energy from water and sunshine. This will make the other countries in the world happy and proud too!
  • Remember, dear reader, when we all do our part, like using less plastic and turning off lights when we don’t need them, we help our planet feel healthier and happier. Isn’t that awesome? So, let’s give a big cheer for India and for all the people who are working to make our Earth a better place to live!

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