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image depicting Indian astronomers find new method to study exoplanets

Indian astronomers find new method to study exoplanets!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Scientists are always looking for life beyond Earth and so, are studying exoplanets too (planets beyond the solar system).

A team of astronomers from India have found a new method to understand the atmosphere of exoplanets. This is done by observing the polarization of light.

Key facts!

  • These astronomers, Aritra Chakrabarty and Sujan Sengupta are from the Indian Institute of Astrophysics, located in Bengaluru, Karnataka.
  • They designed the new method by observing polarisation signatures of exoplanets using ground-based radars and observatories.
  • This means the variations in the scattering intensity (strength) of light as the planets revolve around their stars.
  • The astronomers developed a Python-based (computer programming language) numerical code to help study the exoplanets’ atmosphere.
  • The scientists said that even if we can’t image the planet directly, this method will help us find out more about its atmosphere.
  • Generally, astronomers use the transit method to detect planets far away in other systems.
  • A transit occurs when a planet passes between a star and its observer.
  • However, the new method can help us study the exoplanets even if the transit method is not possible.

Paxi explores exoplanets in the following video.  Youtube user “European Space Agency” 

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