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Image depicting International Day of Disabled Persons - 3 December

International Day of Disabled Persons!


Recommended for December

Every year on December 3, we observe the International Day of Persons with Disabilities (IDPD). This day highlights the continuous challenges and triumphs of individuals with disabilities.

In 1992, the United Nations set up this day. It aims to spotlight the rights and well-being of people with special needs. The focus is on their full and effective participation in society.

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Key facts!

  • Observation and Objective: Every December 3, we celebrate the International Day of Persons with Disabilities, focusing on highlighting the disparities that people with disabilities face. These disparities go beyond physical barriers and include socio-political challenges, such as discrimination and a lack of equal opportunities.

  • 2023 Theme: Each year brings a new theme for the IDPD. The theme for 2023, “United in action to rescue and achieve the SDGs for, with, and by persons with disabilities,” emphasizes a collective effort to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It highlights the crucial role that persons with disabilities play in this endeavor.

  • Historical Background: The United Nations General Assembly established the International Day of Disabled Persons in 1992 by adopting Resolution 47/3. This act marked a significant moment globally, recognizing the urgent need to address challenges that individuals with disabilities face.

Empowerment, Awareness, Resilience

  • Global Activities and Significance: Across the world, the day is marked by various activities, including panel discussions and cultural events, aimed at advocating for the rights of disabled persons. These activities serve as platforms to amplify their voices and perspectives, drawing attention to their daily struggles and achievements.

  • Role of WHO: The World Health Organization plays a pivotal role in this observance, organizing annual events in Geneva. These events aim to educate the public, increase awareness, and push for political will and resources. They celebrate the accomplishments in the sector, aligning with the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

  • Inspirational Perspective: Stephen Hawking, a renowned physicist living with a disability, advised, “It is a waste of time to be angry about my disability. One has to get on with life and I haven’t done badly. People won’t have time for you if you are always angry or complaining.” His words capture the essence of the International Day of Persons with Disabilities. They highlight the importance of focusing on ability, potential, and resilience despite challenges.

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Watch a video

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) shares an inspiring video to commemorate this day.

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