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Image depicting Fiordland National Park, New Zealand – International Travel Diaries!

Fiordland National Park, New Zealand – International Travel Diaries!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

‘A cherished corner of the world where mountains and valleys compete with each other for room, where scale is almost beyond comprehension, rainfall is measured in metres and scenery encompasses the broadest width of emotions’. – extract from ‘Mountains of Water – The Story of Fiordland National Park’.

Can you imagine a place as described by the author above? That place is called the Fiordland National Park.

What is a fiord or fjord?

It is a long, narrow, deep inlet of the sea between high cliffs.

Key facts!

  • Fiordland National Park, the largest national park in New Zealand, was established in 1952.  
  • The park is over 1.2 million hectares in size.
  • It is a part of  ‘Te Wahipounamu’, a UNESCO World Heritage site.
  • It has the Humboldt, Livingstone and Takitimu mountains on its east side and the Tasman Sea on all other sides.
  • The park has a diverse range of plants, animals, birds, etc.
  •  It also has mountains, lakes, fiords* and rainforest environments.
  • The area is also home to many endangered bird species such as the flightless takahe and kiwi, blue duck and more.
  • Many areas in the park are hard to get to except by boat or air.
  • The only places where humans live in Fiordland are the Manapouri and Te Anau townships.
  • The park is very popular with tourists and receives almost 1.2 million visitors per year.
  • Hiking, mountaineering, rock climbing, boat tours of the fiord and kayaking are the most popular tourist activities in Fiordland National Park.

Youtube user “Amazing Places on Our Planet” shares breathtaking views of Fiordland.

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