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Image depicting ISRO Reusable rocket experiment a success!

ISRO Reusable rocket experiment a success!


Recommended for Middle Grades

The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) successfully carried out a landing experiment. It was conducted under the Reusable Launch Vehicle-Technology Demonstration (RLV-TD) programme.

Important Details

  • First, the experiment took place at the Aeronautical Test Range in Karnataka.
    • A helicopter brought the RLV-TD down from a height of 4.5 kilometres and then dropped it.
    • It was released for carrying an independent landing on a runway.
  • The RLV-TD is a winged body that combines the complexity of both aircraft and launch vehicles.
  • Second, the objective of mastering the RLV technology is to achieve low-cost access to space.
  • Thirdly, the RLV-TD has been set up as a flying test platform.
    • In other words, the RLV-TD will be used to check how fast it can go, how it can land by itself, and how it can fly with a lot of power.
  • Importantly, it will be made bigger so that it can be the first part of India’s two-stage orbital launch vehicle that can be used again and again.

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