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Image depicting Laser Eyes on the Universe: Meet LIGO-India!

Laser Eyes on the Universe: Meet LIGO-India!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Hey there, young scientist! Do you want to know about the latest and greatest project that’s taking the world by storm? Well, hold on tight because we’re going on a space adventure!

Imagine the universe is like a giant ocean, and black holes, supernovae, and neutron stars are the waves that create ripples in space-time. These ripples are called gravitational waves, and they carry important information about our universe.

But wait, it took physicists almost a century to prove Einstein right by observing these waves directly! That’s where the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-Wave Observatory (LIGO) comes in. LIGO is like a giant ear that can “listen” to the universe and detect gravitational waves. It’s so important that it even won a Nobel Prize!

Unleashing Cosmos

  • Now, India is partnering with the United States National Science Foundation to launch LIGO-India. It is a groundbreaking collaboration that will accelerate discovery and innovation in India and around the world. Can you believe that India is investing $320 million in this project? That’s a lot of money, but it’s worth it because LIGO-India will create new opportunities for students, researchers, and educators. Likewise  also create jobs across the technical workforce.
  • But here’s the cool thing – LIGO-India won’t just be working alone. It will be joining a global network of other detectors in the United States, Italy, and Japan. This means that LIGO-India will help to unlock some of the universe’s greatest mysteries. And answer some of the most fundamental questions about the cosmos.
  • So, are you excited to be part of this amazing journey? By collaborating with other scientists around the world, LIGO-India will provide current and aspiring scientists with a wider window into the universe. Simultaneously inspiring the next generation of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) leaders. The construction of LIGO-India is a major milestone for gravitational wave science and for the universal progress of science that transcends borders.

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