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Image depicting satellite as Japan begins to develop wooden satellites by 2023

Wooden satellites are being developed to lessen space junk


Recommended for Japan

How are wooden satellites a better option? And who is developing them? Let’s read on to find out.

Every year, countries around the world launch new satellites and spacecraft into space. Many older satellites are then de-commissioned (closed down). However, since they cannot be brought back, they stay in space. In this way, space has collected a lot of junk, which can be a danger.

A Japanese company called Sumitomo Forestry along with Kyoto University are working together to develop the world’s first satellites made out of wood by 2023.

They have started studying tree growth and will experiment with different types of wood in extreme environments on Earth. Later, they will work on the engine to make it fly.

When space junk falls back to Earth, they release harmful chemicals and also create tiny alumina ( a type of material) particles which float in the upper atmosphere for many years. This would eventually affect Earth’s environment.

So, wooden satellites could help with this problem as they would burn up without releasing harmful chemicals or particles.

There are nearly 6,000 satellites circling Earth, according to the World Economic Forum (WEF). About 60% of them are space junk. So, many companies, including SpaceX, are working to stop the junk from increasing.

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