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Image depicting Japan Welcomes Barbie Film!

Japan Welcomes Barbie Film!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Howdy, curious one! Imagine if a movie about a pink, glamorous world starring our favorite doll, Barbie, collided with the release of another serious movie. That’s what happened in Japan! And oh boy, did it stir up some feelings.

Long, long ago, in 1945, two big bombs hit Japan. These weren’t just any bombs, they were atomic bombs. They caused a lot of pain for the Japanese people. Fast forward to now, a Hollywood movie called “Oppenheimer” was made about the creation of these big, scary bombs.

Barbie, Bombs, Sensitivity

  • Barbie’s movie was a massive hit! People all over the world spent over a billion dollars to watch it. That’s a LOT of popcorn! Margot Robbie played Barbie. She must have had to wear a lot of pink!
  • Some cheeky folks online started making jokes by combining “Barbie” and “Oppenheimer” into “Barbenheimer”. They even made funny pictures combining the two movies. But remember those big bombs from history? Well, those jokes didn’t sit well with many in Japan. Many felt the jokes were insensitive.
  • There was such a fuss that the big movie companies had to say sorry! Even the Japanese voice of Barbie said she was super disappointed. Aww, poor Barbie.
  • Movies are a big deal, but so are people’s feelings. The companies realized that making fun using a painful part of history isn’t cool. Imagine if someone made fun of your biggest boo-boo; it wouldn’t feel nice, right?
  • Even though there was drama around the “Barbenheimer” jokes, many people in Japan still enjoyed Barbie’s movie. They could separate the silly jokes from the fantastic, pink, glittery world of Barbie. But remember kids, it’s always best to be kind and considerate, both in real life and in the movies. And if you ever find yourself in a sticky situation, just think: “What would Barbie do?”

Watch a video

Dive into Barbie’s epic trailer on Warner Bros’ YouTube now!

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