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Image depicting Kid uncovers Megalodon shark tooth!

Kid uncovers Megalodon shark tooth!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

A girl nine years old discovers a tooth belonging to a Megalodon shark in the United States. Molly Sampson is nine years old. She was with her mother on a beach when was went to search for seashells. 

She was wading in water that was about knee-deep when she came upon the shark tooth.

Key facts!

  • The tooth belonged to the megalodon shark species, which has since been extinct.
  • It was described as a “once-in-a-lifetime kind of find” by the owners of a museum.
  • The megalodon shark gets its name from the ancient Greek word for “great teeth.”
  • It thrived in waters all over the world until at least 3.5 million years ago when it became extinct.
  • As superb swimmers, these ancient sharks were also tremendously swift.
  • Its potential swimming speed is believed to be about 1.4 metres per second.
  • According to studies, the megalodon probably weighed around 70 tonnes.
  • This is almost the same as the mass of 10 elephants.
  • The tooth discovered by Molly measured 5 inches in length.
  • This makes it roughly the same size as her hand.
  • The teeth were taken by the family to the local Marine Museum.
  • The museum authorities identified the shark tooth and praised Molly on Facebook.

If you have kids and want to know the solution to a fun question, you should watch this video from Peekaboo Kidz. How come Megalodon Sharks never died out?

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