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Image depicting Last King of Greece "Constantine"!

Last King of Greece “Constantine”!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Constantine, who used to be the king of Greece and was the country’s last ruler, died at the age of 82. He became King Constantine II in 1964 when he was only 23 years old.

He was well-known because he won a gold medal in sailing at the Olympics. Also, the people who lived under him liked him a lot.

But in 1973, the dictatorship took over and got rid of the monarchy. In the years that followed, he was only able to make short trips to Greece. This caused a political and media storm each time.

But in his later years, he was able to go back to his home country and live there. There is no love for the monarchy in modern Greece, so Constantine has become a figure from the past that is not very controversial.

Key facts!

  • Prince Paul, the younger brother of King George II and princess Federica of Hanover gave birth to Constantine in Athens on June 2, 1940.
  • His older sister, Sophia, is married to the King of Spain for a while.
  • The family was a member of the Danish royal family.
  • The family had ruled Greece beginning in 1863.
  • During the German invasion of Greece that took place during World War II, Constantine’s family was compelled to evacuate the country.
  • Constantine received his education at a boarding school.
  • After this, he enrolled in all three military academies and took classes at the Athens Law School.
  • He also competed in a variety of activities, such as karate and sailing, both of which he achieved the rank of black belt.
  • At the Rome Olympics in 1960, he won the gold medal.
  • Constantine was elected to become a member of the International Olympic Committee in 1963.
  • Constantine succeeded his father as King of Greece on March 6, 1964.
  • He is survived by his wife, the former Princess Anne-Marie of Denmark; their five children and nine grandchildren.

A short history of Greece, as told by the YouTube user “Look Back History.”

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