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Khushwant Singh – Leading by example!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

Let us read today about a remarkable Indian – Khushwant Singh (2 February 1915 – 20 March 2014). Born in Hadali, Punjab (now part of Pakistan) as Khushal Singh, he was a lawyer by profession.

People thought Khushwant Singh was a strong supporter of democracy in India and a loud advocate for better relations between India and Pakistan. Even though he is no longer alive, his writings still inspire people.

Fun facts about Khushwant Singh!

  • Kushwant Singh wore many hats in his life – he was also an author, lawyer, diplomat, journalist and politician.

  • Khushwant Singh is best known for the books he has written. His writings showed that he was a secular person who didn’t favour any one religion over another.
  • He was also known for his wit, humour, and sarcasm.
  • Train to Pakistan, which he wrote in 1956, is his best-known book (made into a film in 1998). This book is based on what he saw and felt during the Partition of India in 1947.
  • The Good, the Bad, and the Ridiculous, Truth, Love, and a Little Malice, Declaring Love in Four Languages, and more are some of Khushwant Singh’s other books.
  • In 2007, he got the Padma Vibhushan, which is India’s second-highest civilian award.

Amul’s tribute to Khushwant Singh


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Check out this candid interview of Khushwant Singh by WildFilmsIndia.

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