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Leading by example – Rachel Carson


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Today we will read about a very special scientist named Rachel Louise Carson. She played an important role in the rise of environmental conservation movements in the 20th century.

Rachel Carson was born in Pennsylvania, the US on 27 May 1907. She was raised on a farm, where she learned to love and care for the environment. Young Rachel was also interested in writing, publishing a story at 11.

After studying Biology and Creative Writing, Rachel worked for 15 years as a biologist, scientist and editor in the US Bureau of Fisheries and then the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Her major research topic was oceans and ocean life. 

Rachel Carson conducting research off the Atlantic coast in 1952

She also wrote many articles to raise awareness about the importance of protecting the environment.

Rachel’s childhood home, now preserved as a museum

A statue of Rachel Carson

What made Rachel Carson a great scientist and famous writer?

It was a book titled Silent Spring (1962) that made Rachel one of the most celebrated environmental activists across the world. The book talked about the wide usage of pesticides and chemicals and how it was badly affecting plants and animals.

The name “Silent Spring refers to the spring without birds’ songs, who died due to pesticides. Moreover, the book actually resulted in the ban of DDT (a dangerous pesticide) in the US.


Credit: Anupama


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  1. Vardaayni Gupta says:

    I like this news soo much thank you

  2. Vardaayni Gupta says:

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    • curioustimes says:

      Dear Vardaayani

      That’s awesome. Would you like to draw or write about it? If you can share a picture, it would be wonderful. We will publish it on Curious Times.

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