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Lonely beluga whale spotted far away from Arctic home


Recommended for Foundational Grades

A lonely beluga whale

Over the past week, people have spotted a big white whale swimming off the coast of Seattle in the US. And no one knows why.

This whale is a beluga and it is normally found in the cold waters of the Arctic region. That is thousands of kilometres away from Seattle

It was first spotted on Sunday (3 October), when a man named Jason Rogers filmed the white whale swimming in Commencement Bay. This is about 50 km south of Seattle.

Then, other people also spotted the beluga whale in different places, and it even swam by three different shipyards.

What is a shipyard?

A shipyard is a place where ships are repaired or built.

The beluga whale

The beluga whale, also known as the white whale, is a type of whale that is white in colour and can grow as heavy as 1500 kg. It usually lives in groups and so, it is very unusual to find one that is alone by itself.

Scientists say that they cannot figure out where this whale has come from and are studying its movements. But for now, it seems to be in good health and it has plenty of food to eat. Belugas eat squid, small fish and crabs.



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