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Lost rare chameleon re-appears in a hotel garden in Madagascar after 100 years


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The Voeltzkow’s chameleon is a very rare chameleon. A chameleon is a type of lizard that can change colour. It was first discovered in 1893 in Madagascar. However, for 106 years, it had not been seen.

The Voeltzkow’s chameleon was put in the top 25 “most wanted” list by the Global Wildlife Conservation (GWC). This list has the rarest 25 creatures on the planet that are not extinct yet but are hardly seen.

This rare chameleon was rediscovered in Madagascar. A team of scientists had gone to the region to search for it. However, instead of the jungle, they found more than 15 Voeltzkow’s chameleons in a hotel garden!

The team is delighted by this discovery. This is because Voeltzkow’s chameleons live only for a few months. This rare chameleon also live in places that are hard to get to, making it even more difficult for scientists to study them.

The Voeltzkow’s chameleon is named after German biologist Alfred Voeltzkow.

When it is calm, the chameleon is green in colour with a few white and black details. However, if it becomes angry or stressed, it can turn black and white and striped with a line of three red dots along their back.


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