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Lottery winner is not happy after winning!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

In September 2022, Anoop, who drove an autorickshaw, won the 25 crore Onam bumper lottery. He had been saving money so that he could move to Malaysia and work as a chef there. Now, he is having trouble making ends meet.

This year’s Onam bumper lottery had the highest prize money, which was 25 crores.  Anoop’s Kerala lottery ticket was the one that won. After paying taxes, he would have been able to keep 15 crores.

When asked what he plans to do with the money, he said that paying off the debt and building a home for his family are his top two priorities.

Anoop had also said that he would help his family, do good deeds, and start a business in the hospitality industry in Kerala.

Key facts!

  • After a few days of being in the spotlight, the winner, Anoop, said he was unhappy that his supposed good luck had caused him so much trouble.
  • Anoop said that he had to leave his home because so many people came to him for money.
  • Even though he hadn’t gotten the prize money yet, he told them that people still believed in him.
  • He also said that people were following him because they needed help.
  • Anoop went to stay with a family member, but people found out where he was and went there.
  • He can’t take his sick child to the hospital because there are so many people who need help and have come here.
  • Anoop said he was very happy when he heard about the prize, but things have changed so much since then that he can’t even go to his own home.
  • He said that now even his neighbours are upset about the situation because people who come from all over to ask for money or help are hanging around nearby houses or areas.
  • Anoop doesn’t think that he should have won first place.
  • He would have been happy with second or third place.

The following video, which was uploaded by the user “Stay Tuned” on Youtube, explains how a lottery system operates.

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