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Image depicting Manipur boy builds robots from discarded metal!

Manipur boy builds robots from discarded metal!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

Meet Ningombam Prem, the incredible boy from a small town near Imphal, Manipur, who possesses a magical talent for constructing robots out of discarded metal and cardboard. Yes, you heard it right, he creates robots!

But not just any robots. Ningombam Prem’s robots are modeled after his favorite characters from popular culture, like the superheroes and villains he admires.

Important details

  • Now, let’s dive into some fascinating details about Ningombam Prem that will make you smile and marvel at his ingenuity. Firstly, when he’s not busy in his tiny cottage, where he brings these amazing creations to life, he can be found helping his parents at their food stand by the side of the road. Talk about being a multi-talented young genius!
  • Not only does Ningombam Prem enjoy building robots, but he also loves contributing to his family’s financial well-being. He happily assists his mother in frying puris and samosas at their food stall. Isn’t that fantastic? He’s not just a robot builder but also a dedicated helper in the kitchen.
  • What sparked Ningombam Prem’s interest in robots, you might wonder? Well, when he was just 10 years old, he watched the thrilling science-fiction film “I, Robot,” featuring the talented actor Robert Downey Jr. And from that moment on, he became a die-hard fan of both robots and the amazing actor. Iron Man, one of Robert Downey Jr.’s iconic roles, quickly became Prem’s favorite Marvel superhero.
  • Ningombam Prem has a unique creative vision. Whenever he sees anything, his mind instantly starts envisioning different ways to design it. But due to limited space, he often has to disassemble his robots, reusing the materials to build new ones. Talk about resourcefulness and making the most out of what you have!
  • Prem’s dream is not just to create incredible robots but also to lend a helping hand to those in need and bring joy to others. With his remarkable talent and inspiring spirit, there’s no doubt that he will achieve great things and make the world a brighter place.
  • So, keep an eye out for Ningombam Prem, the young robot enthusiast from Manipur. Who knows what incredible creations he’ll come up with next?

Watch a video

Don’t forget to check out Prem building an Ironman hand using cardboard. The video clip is streamed on his Youtube channel “KANGLEI tech”.

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