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Image depicting Marigolds Attract Indian Marsh Crocodiles!

Marigolds Attract Indian Marsh Crocodiles!


Recommended for Crocodiles

Flower-Powered Crocodiles! A Heartwarming Tale of Marigolds and Muggers

Croco-Flower Love: The Marigold Magnet

Imagine being friends with a crocodile! Sounds like something straight out of a fairy tale, doesn’t it? But a study shows it could be a little less fantasy and a little more science. Researchers Utkarsh M. Chavan and Manoj R. Borkar have discovered something amazing about the Indian marsh crocodiles, also known as muggers, living in Maharashtra’s Savitri River. These “green giants” can’t seem to resist the charm of marigold flowers! It’s like a spell of friendship that turns a fierce crocodile into a marigold-loving buddy.

You know how kids love playing with their favorite toys? Well, these crocodiles love floating next to, basking near, or even touching marigold garlands. Picture this: a crocodile floating gently beside a bunch of orange and yellow marigolds, as peaceful as a cat near a sunlit window. It’s like they’re whispering secrets to each other!

How Crocodiles “Play” with Marigolds: Floating Friends

Remember that game where you pretend the floor is lava? Think of the marigold garlands as safety islands in a river, which is the crocodile’s playground. In the places where the river is a bit dirty, these marigolds aren’t just pretty flowers. They are like magical shields that protect the crocodiles from harmful germs.

And it’s not only the Indian crocodiles that love playing with flowers. Crocodiles from other parts of the world, like Cuba and Western Africa, also enjoy playing with flowers like the pink bougainvillea. It’s like having a favorite game that kids from all around the world love to play!

Muggers’ Noble Side: The Hero Crocodiles

The most touching part? These muggers aren’t just rough and tough; they have a soft spot too. One time, they even helped a stray dog that was in danger! It’s like when you see a friend in trouble and your superhero instincts kick in. A few crocodiles, who could have easily gobbled up the dog, chose to guide it to safety instead. It’s like they were telling the dog, “Don’t worry, buddy. We’ve got your back!”

Imagine a crocodile, a creature often thought to be scary and heartless, gently nudging a scared dog back to the safety of the shore. It’s like the crocodile put on a superhero cape for a moment, reminding us that kindness can be found in the most unexpected places.

Do-It-Yourself Activities: Become a Little Zoologist on the Go!

Activity 1: Virtual Flower-Garden

While on the move, create a virtual flower garden on your phone. Use different colors and types of flowers. Imagine which animal would like each flower. Then share it with your friends or family.

Activity 2: Story Time

Write a short, funny story about a crocodile and its favorite toy (it could be a flower, a stick, or anything). Share it in a message or record your voice and send it to someone you love.

Activity 3: Fact Finder

Search online to find three fascinating facts about crocodiles or marigolds. Tell someone about what you learned the next time you’re talking to them.

A Closing Thought: The Heart in the ‘Hard-Skin’

This story proves that there’s a lot more to animals like crocodiles than meets the eye. They aren’t just big, scary reptiles; they have likes, dislikes, and maybe even friends in the form of marigolds. It’s like finding out that the class bully actually writes beautiful poetry. So, next time you see a crocodile (from a safe distance, of course), maybe you’ll remember that beneath that tough, scaly exterior could be a heart of gold—or in this case, a heart that loves gold…en marigolds.

Remember the old saying, “Don’t judge a book by its cover”? Well, it seems like it’s time to start saying, “Don’t judge a crocodile by its scales.” And who knows, maybe even the crocs would say, “Flower power rules!”

So readers, be kind, be brave, and keep your minds open to the wonder of the world around you. After all, if a crocodile can be friends with a marigold, then surely anything is possible!

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