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“Matilda” – By Roald Dahl…. Book Review by a student


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Matilda has recently started going to school, something that she was excited about until she realised that she was too smart. While everyone in her class was learning the alphabet, she was solving equations that the creator of maths himself couldn’t solve.


And her family isn’t the best either. She is overlooked by her parents and called a stupid little girl. To make matters worse, the headmaster of the school is a big, scary woman called ‘Mrs. Trunchbull’ who picks students up with their pigtails and throws them out of the school. Her only help in this school is Ms. Honey. Can she prove to the world that she’s much more than a stupid little girl?


It was a really good book. I have re-read it almost 6 times and I still haven’t gotten sick of it. The characters are pretty good. Matilda wasn’t exactly relatable but she was a nice and likeable character. Miss Honey was pretty good too; she was as sweet as she sounded. The plot started to feel a little weird in the second half, but it wasn’t bad. I would recommend it to anyone above the age of 7. Happy reading 🙂


By Samaira Dewan


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