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Image depicting Meet 10-year-old Dexter Warren, UTV World Champion!

Meet 10-year-old Dexter Warren, UTV World Champion!


Recommended for Foundational Grades

The UTV 2022 World Championship was won by Dexter Warren. He is an Australian boy who is 10 years old. Dexter is the first young Australian driver to ever win the championship.

When he was only five years old, Dexter started racing go-karts. After hearing that his son was “very good,” his father looked into racing.

What is UTV?

Utility task vehicle (UTV) is a type of off-road vehicle that lets people sit side by side and is usually driven with a steering wheel and pedals.

Key facts!

  • Australian Dexter Warren has become one of the youngest ever to win a world championship in any form of motorsport.
  • He is the first young driver from Australia and the first young driver from any country in the world to ever win the title.
  • Dexter described the experience of being a world champion as priceless.
  • He began racing in 2019 and has already won a number of titles and big races.
  • When he was three years old, he began learning how to drive a go-kart.
  • He began his career racing dirt karts when he was just five years old.
  • Dexter competed in as many races as he could and found that the more he raced, the better he grew.
  • His participation in the UTV World Championship took place for the third time this year.
  • He didn’t finish the race in 2019 and ended up coming in second in 2021.
  • Dexter and his family are currently residing in Phoenix, Arizona.
  • However, they will be moving back to South Australia in the month of November.
  • And at that time, he plans to establish a full-time youth off-road race series.

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