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Image depicting Meet the Robot Guards @ 2024 Olympics!

Meet the Robot Guards @ 2024 Olympics!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

France is a country in Europe that is preparing to host the Olympics. The Olympics is a big event where athletes from all over the world compete in many different sports. To make sure everyone is safe, the French government is using a special type of technology called Artificial Intelligence (AI) to help with security.

Important Details

  • The AI-powered technology will be used to monitor the crowds and detect any suspicious behaviour.
  • It will also help the police find lost children or people who need medical help.
  • The technology will use cameras and sensors to gather information about what is happening in the area.
  • This will help the security team to respond quickly to any problems and keep everyone safe.

Wrap Up

In conclusion, France is using AI-powered technology to help keep everyone safe during the Olympics. The technology will monitor the crowds and help the police find lost children or people who need medical help. This is an important use of technology that will help ensure everyone has a fun and safe time at the Olympics.

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