Most of what we think is taste is actually smell
Recommended for Middle Grades
Many studies say that around 80% of what we think is taste (of something) actually comes from smell. However, is this really true? Let’s find out.
Taste and smell are separate feelings with their own receptor organs. But, they are intimately connected. The chemicals in foods are detected by taste buds. These buds are comprised of cells. Then, these cells send signals to the brain, which make us feel the perception of taste.
Process of getting the smell
Specialized cells in the nose pick up the distinctive smell through airborne odour molecules. This smell stimulates receptors of the sensory cells. However, information about taste and smell mix together. That allows detecting the flavours of food.
Moreover, researchers say that when tasters wear nose plugs, their decisions become less accurate and less intense. Then, smell appears to make a difference when a plug is removed. However, nose plugs do not block entirely all ability to taste. The reason behind it is because the nose and throat essentially share the same airway. Moreover, chewing foodstuffs allow aromas to get the nose through the back of the mouth.
Without the sense of smell, our taste sense is limited to only five distinct sense organs: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter and the newly discovered “umami”. All other flavours come from the smell. This is why, when our nose is blocked due to cold, most foods taste bland or tasteless. Moreover, our sense of smell becomes sharper when we are hungry.
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