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Image depicting Autobiography of a Refrigerator: Keeping it Cool!

Autobiography of a Refrigerator!


Recommended for Middle Grades

Refrigerator – Keeping it cool!

Hey readers, gather ’round! I’m Mr. Chill, your friendly neighborhood refrigerator. I bet you didn’t know fridges have feelings, huh? Well, we do! I was born in a big factory. Imagine a toy shop, but instead of dolls and toy cars, they made fridges! I wasn’t always this shiny; I was just a bunch of metal pieces and wires. But the workers in the factory were like elves, and they put me together! Zap, zip, click, and ta-da, there I was!

After getting all my parts in place, I was packed into a box and shipped to a store. The store was like a zoo for appliances! Washers, dryers, ovens—you name it. I was excited but also a bit nervous. Would I ever find a home? Then, one day, a lovely family came into the store. They touched my handles and opened my door. It tickled! And then, they said the magic words: “We’ll take it!”

Once I was in my new home, I found out I was like the school principal of the kitchen! You know how the principal is super important and knows everyone? That’s me, but for food. I keep the milk from turning into cheese, the lettuce from turning into mush, and the ice cream from turning into soup. Pretty cool, right?

But it’s not always fun and games. One day, the little girl of the family looked very sad. She opened my door but didn’t take anything. It turns out, her goldfish had gone to the big fishbowl in the sky. To help her, her mom grabbed some ice cream from me. I felt proud to be part of cheering her up!

So you see, life as a refrigerator is more exciting than you’d think! I keep your food fresh, your drinks cool, and sometimes, I even help mend a broken heart. Just remember to close my door, okay? I get cold when I’m left open!

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