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Image depicting Motu Patlu Cartoon: Motu Masters Surya Namaskar!

Motu Patlu Cartoon: Motu Masters Surya Namaskar!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

The Day the Sun Stood Still (For Motu and Patlu)

Once upon a sunny morning in a lively Indian village, two inseparable buddies, Motu and Patlu, stumbled upon an exciting yet mysterious idea. “Surya Namaskar! Yoga for the sun!” exclaimed Patlu, holding an old, dusty book.

Motu looked at the book and then at his tummy. “Do I look like someone who can do yoga?” he asked, doubtfully.

“Ah, come on! It’s like a dance, but instead of shaking a leg, you shake away the stress!” Patlu persuaded.

Imagine your body as a bendy straw. You know how a straw bends this way and that way to help you slurp up a mango shake? That’s exactly how Surya Namaskar works, but it slurps away your troubles!

The Guru with a “Sunny” Disposition

They decided to seek help from their village Guru. Imagine a wise owl that knows the entire forest like the back of its wing. Well, Guru was the human version of that wise owl.

“Ah, Surya Namaskar is as ancient as the hills. It’s like saying ‘good morning’ to the sun,” Guru said, sitting in a meditative pose that looked like a folded-up pretzel.

“Good morning, Sun? Can’t I just wave at it?” Motu asked, scratching his head.

“Trust me, it’s more than just waving. You’ll feel as happy as a bird with a french fry,” Guru reassured.

 The Wobble and the Wiggle

At first, Motu felt like a jelly that couldn’t hold its shape. Wobble-wobble, thud! Each time he tried to stretch or bend, down he went. But Patlu was always there, cheering louder than a cricket in the night.

“I’m a round potato; you can’t make fries from a round potato!” Motu huffed.

“Even potatoes turn into golden fries, just give it time!” encouraged Patlu.

Sun-Kissed and Strong

Weeks rolled by like marbles in a race. And guess what? Motu was getting good! He began to stretch like an accordion in a joyful song. His health sparkled like a dew-kissed leaf in the morning sun.

And there was peace—imagine your mind as calm as a pond with no jumping frogs. Yep, that peaceful!

A Village Fiesta

The village erupted in cheers and drumrolls, louder than the happiest festival you could imagine. Even the local mischief-makers, who usually were as bothersome as ants at a picnic, stood in awe of Motu’s skill and dedication.

“Looks like we should also jump on this sun-wagon,” said one troublemaker, rubbing his chin thoughtfully.

The whole village felt a sense of pride, not just in Motu’s accomplishment but also in their rich traditions. It was like finding a treasure chest in your own backyard!

Do-It-Yourself Activities

1. Sun Craft

Learning Outcome: Teaches creativity and the importance of the sun.

  1. Cut a yellow paper circle for the sun.
  2. Add orange rays using cut-out paper.
  3. Stick it to your window and say, “Good morning, Sun!”

2. Pretzel Pose

Learning Outcome: Introduction to basic yoga and understanding body flexibility.

  1. Sit on the floor.
  2. Cross your legs.
  3. Fold your hands on your lap.
  4. Close your eyes and take deep breaths for one minute.

3. Friendship Cards

Learning Outcome: Values the importance of friendship and expressive skills.

  1. Take a piece of card paper.
  2. Draw and color it with pictures or words that show friendship.
  3. Write a special note for your friend.
  4. Gift it to your friend to make their day.

And so, the village of Motu and Patlu became a healthier, happier, and harmonious place to live, one Surya Namaskar at a time. The end! Or should we say, a new beginning?

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