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Image depicting Mission to Moon

NASA’s Mission to Moon calls for passanger names


Recommended for Foundational Grades

NASA calls passenger names to be part of the virtual flight! NASA(National Aeronautics and Space Agency) will let you send your name on the mission to Moon. It will be as a virtual passenger though.

But isn’t it exciting? After choosing 10 trainees for the future Space missions, NASA invites the Space fans to send their names on the flight to Moon.  The names will be saved on a flash drive and they can be a part of Artemis I mission.

What is Artemis program?

Artemis program is an International human spaceflight program led by United States.

What is Artemis 1?

Artemis I is a planned uncrewed test flight for NASA's Artemis program. It is NASA's first mission to the Moon.

According to NASA, Artemis I will be the first uncrewed flight test of the Space Launch System Rocket and Orion Spacecraft. The launch of Artemis I will take place in the next few months, though the exact date is undeclared.

Important Details

The candidates should follow the following rules:

  • Visit the official website for the Artemis mission:
  • Enter your name and a custom PIN of 4 to 7 digits.
  • After this, your boarding pass will be generated. The boarding pass will feature your name and details of the flight.
  • A QR code will be generated that will let the candidates join the flight as virtual guests.

All of this process is totally free. Isn’t it interesting? The Artemis 1 mission will be launched from NASA Kennedy Space Center in Florida. This mission will help in extending human existence on Moon. Let us know your thoughts about this in the comments below.

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