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Image depicting NASA's Parker Solar Probe offers stunning view of Venus, Curious Times

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe offers stunning view of Venus


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NASA launched the Parker Solar Probe in 2018 to study the Sun.

While its main focus is the Sun, Earth’s neighbour Venus also plays an important role in the mission. The Parker Solar Probe uses Venus’ gravity to fly closer and closer to the Sun.

In July 2020, the probe captured striking images of Venus’ nightside from about 12380 km away. The probe’s camera called Wide-field Imager for Parker Solar Probe, or WISPR took the photos.

What did WISPR capture?

NASA recently released the photos. They show a bright rim of light or night glow around the planet. It also shows Venus’ biggest highland region, a spot called Aphrodite Terra. In the image above, it’s the dark section in the middle.

The Parker Solar Probe is the fastest human-made object and closest object to the Sun we’ve ever constructed.

Here is a video about the discoveries made by the probe:


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