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National Epilepsy Day


Recommended for Foundational Grades

National Epilepsy Day is observed in India on 17 November every year.

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We observe this day to raise awareness about epilepsy.

  • On this day, various individuals and organisations organise seminars, talks and workshops to educate people about epilepsy and its treatments.
  • Some hospitals also organise free medical camps for epilepsy patients.

What is epilepsy, its symptoms and causes?

  • Epilepsy is a chronic disorder of the brain in which a patient gets ‘seizures’ or ‘fits’. The condition can affect people of any age.
  • Although epilepsy is treatable, yet many in developing countries do not receive the required treatment.
  • Some symptoms of epilepsy include sudden twitching, loss of consciousness, tingling sensation in arms and legs, etc.
  • Epilepsy has various causes which include – brain-related injuries, infections or tumours, genetical abnormalities, etc.

What can be done to manage epilepsy?

  • Epilepsy is mostly treatable with medications, but the treatment should start as soon as possible.
  • If an affected person has seizures, it’s important to not panic and ensure that the person is taken care of immediately, so that they will be safe and unharmed.
  • Epilepsy patients should not drink alcohol as it may provoke seizures.

On this day, it is important to spread awareness about this disease which can save lives.

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