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New Kind of Meat Grown Safely!


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Great news! Something called “lab-grown” meat has been approved for sale in the United States. This is the first time it has happened. Lab-grown meat is made from chicken cells that are grown in tanks. Now, it can be made and sold in the U.S.

Two companies from California, called Upside Foods and Good Meat, got permission from the U.S. Department of Agriculture to produce and sell lab-grown chicken.

Lab-Grown Meat Approved

  • Here’s how lab-grown meat is made: First, cells are taken from a living animal. This process usually doesn’t hurt or kill the animal. The cells are stored in a bank. Then, they are moved to big tanks, like steel tanks, where they can grow quickly. The cells are given nutrients and proteins to become muscle, fat, and other parts of a chicken. When they are ready, the cells are collected and prepared for people to eat, just like regular food.
  • In 2019, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and the USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service made rules to make sure lab-grown meat is safe and labeled correctly. Upside Foods and Good Meat followed these rules, and their products are safe to eat. They received a special approval from the USDA, which means they can now sell their lab-grown chicken.
  • Right now, you won’t find lab-grown chicken in regular grocery stores, and it might be expensive. Upside Foods will serve their meat in a fancy restaurant in San Francisco, and Good Meat will be served in a restaurant owned by chef José Andrés. But the companies hope that in the future, their meat will be more affordable and available to everyone.
  • People like lab-grown meat because it doesn’t involve killing animals. They also think it could be better for the environment. However, some scientists say that it might not actually help with reducing carbon emissions because it takes a lot of energy to make the meat. It’s also not clear how companies can make enough lab-grown meat for everyone to eat.
  • So, lab-grown meat is a big step forward in technology and food. It’s exciting to see new things being created, but there are still things to figure out before it becomes common for everyone.

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