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Image depicting B. yucatanensis

New species of doomsday bug discovered in Mexico!


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

B. yucatanensis or Bathynomus yucatanensis is found in the ocean between 600 and 800 metres deep. They represent a new species of isopods.

It is commonly believed that, in the event of a future calamity, cockroaches will be the only form of life that will be able to survive on Earth. However, isopods are another type of bug that has the potential to survive doomsday.

What are isopods?

Isopods are a type of marine invertebrate (animals without a backbone).

Experts think that B. yucatanensis are ready to handle big extinction events. For example, they can sometimes go years without eating anything.

Key Facts of B. yucatanensis!

  • It is almost 10 inches long, which is a little shorter than usual.
  • Its antennae are also much longer than usual.
  • The scientists think that the specimen is an example of a new species of Bathynomus.
  • For now, the researchers are calling it B. yucatanensis, which is a scientific name.
  • Since the new species has the same number of spines on its tail as B. giganteus, it is likely that this new species has been overlooked until now.
  • Up until this point, people thought that this was the main way to tell different species apart.
  • Even though these sea creatures look like big land-based woodlice, they are more closely related to invertebrates like crabs, shrimp, and lobsters.

Would you like to keep isopods as pets? Check out the video below. Aquarimax Pets shares some dos and don’ts.

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