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Image depicting the rare comet leonard might become 2021’s brightest

Newly found Comet Leonard might become 2021’s brightest


Recommended for Preparatory Grades

What is a comet? It is a bright “space ball” made of frozen gases, dust and gas with a long tail that travels around the Sun.

Comet Leonard was discovered by Greg Leonard, an astronomer at the University of Arizona, US on 3 January 2021.

It could be the brightest comet we see this year. But you would have to wait because it will be at its brightest only by December. It is expected to shine brightly then and could be viewed properly with a simple telescope.

Leonard is an ultrafast comet – it’s travelling at a speed of 254,399 km/h! It is currently wandering between the orbits of Mars and Jupiter.

But it is headed towards Earth and will pass us by at a close range on its way to Venus.  This will likely be the only time that Leonard will pass by Earth.

We will make sure to keep updating you on its progress.

Watch a video on comets below:


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