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image depicting News update - 7 January 2021

News update – 7 January 2021


Recommended for Middle Grades

News update – 7 January 2021. Here are the top news stories of today from around the world:

The US Congress formally confirmed President-elect Joe Biden’s election win. Biden will become President officially on 20 January. Before that, angry supporters of President Trump had stormed the Capitol (the meeting place of the United States Congress), refusing to accept the results. They clashed against the police and 4 people died in the riots. Leaders from around the world have condemned the protestors’ actions.

Donald Trump has been suspended from Twitter and Facebook after tweeting to supporters who attacked the US Capitol. The ban could last for about 12 hours or more.

News update

Japan has declared an emergency in its capital, Tokyo, as COVID-19 cases have reached their highest levels yet.

Protesting farmers carried out a tractor rally on the Western Peripheral Expressway that starts at Ghaziabad in Uttar Pradesh and ended in Palwal, Haryana.

The 260 km-long highway between Jammu and Kashmir was shut for traffic for the fifth consecutive day on Thursday due to heavy snowfall. This is the only all-weather road connecting Kashmir with the rest of the country.

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